Over the past few days, the Western Railway (WR) embarked on an effective communication campaign to apprise the people of Mumbai about the substantial undertaking of laying the sixth line between Khar and Goregaon. This major infrastructural development has necessitated the implementation of a 29-day-long mega block. The WR’s proactive approach in disseminating information proved partially successful in managing the expected chaos at the stations on the inaugural day of the mega block.
During the course of this massive endeavor, which extends from Friday through November 6, the WR is set to cancel a total of 2,525 services to facilitate the project’s progression. On the first day of the mega block, 256 services had to be canceled. Naturally, this led to a significant surge in the number of passengers congregating at the platforms, causing congestion and commotion. However, the majority of commuters displayed remarkable patience and understanding.
This relatively smooth response from passengers can be attributed to the WR’s meticulous efforts in keeping the public well-informed. Advance warnings and detailed information allowed passengers to make necessary adjustments to their travel plans, minimizing inconvenience and ensuring a more organized start to this crucial infrastructure upgrade. As the mega block continues, the success of the communication campaign remains vital in ensuring that commuters are adequately prepared for the disruptions and can navigate the situation with minimal disruption to their daily routines.
Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/controlled-chaos-on-day-1-of-mega-block-101698432985983.html
Edited: Sakshi Semwal