Kerala Health Minister Veena George, in a press statement addressing the recent tragic events surrounding the devastating blasts in Kerala, provided a detailed update on the aftermath. Regrettably, the Minister confirmed the loss of three precious lives, with several others enduring severe injuries. Expressing the gravity of the situation, she disclosed that the casualty ward has been inundated with distressed individuals seeking medical assistance, citing that approximately 60 individuals have already sought treatment across various hospitals, while one unfortunate individual was brought in lifeless.
Emphasizing the government’s proactive response, the Minister underscored the swift establishment of a dedicated helpline to cater to the needs of the affected residents, revealing that an overwhelming 143 distress calls have already been received. Stressing the urgency of the moment, she reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to prioritizing life-saving efforts and ensuring the delivery of comprehensive support to those affected by this catastrophic incident.
Highlighting the collaborative efforts of the state, Minister Veena George mentioned that the Chief Minister is currently presiding over an all-party meeting, a testament to the government’s unified approach in addressing the crisis. Assuring the public of a forthcoming briefing post-meeting, she reiterated the administration’s resolute stance in navigating through this challenging time, with a firm determination to provide the necessary aid and guidance to all affected individuals and communities.
Edited: Sakshi Semwal