Amid longstanding rumors of her second pregnancy, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s recent video, posted ahead of the India-Netherlands World Cup clash in Bengaluru, has intensified speculations. The video, shared on X (formerly Twitter), captures the couple strolling hand-in-hand in what appears to be a hotel lobby. Anushka, dressed in loose attire, has once again sparked discussions about her pregnancy. Netizens flooded the comments section, with many expressing excitement over the potential arrival of her second child. Anushka’s pregnancy rumors initially surfaced weeks ago when she was seen at a Mumbai maternity clinic with Virat. Reports suggested that she requested privacy from paparazzi, hinting at an imminent official announcement. Her discreet appearance at the India-Pakistan World Cup match, clad in loose clothing, further fueled speculations. Meanwhile, on the professional front, Anushka is gearing up for her role in the Jhulan Goswami-biopic titled ‘Chakda Xpress.’
Edited: Sakshi Semwal