“Diwali presents an imminent challenge for Mumbai, a city grappling with persistently poor air quality. Amidst this scenario, a noticeable shift in consumer behavior has emerged this year, marked by a substantial 20% reduction in firecracker sales compared to the previous year (2022).
This decline signals a growing awareness among the populace regarding the detrimental impacts of traditional crackers on both air and noise pollution. While this shift in sentiment is a positive step, it may prove insufficient to maintain or improve the existing Air Quality Index (AQI) in Mumbai, potentially exacerbating air quality issues throughout the festive season.
Despite the decrease in overall sales, there appears to be no discernible trend among Mumbai’s firecracker retailers towards embracing eco-friendly or green alternatives. The absence of a widespread adoption of environmentally friendly substitutes is a missed opportunity to alleviate pollution concerns.
Firecracker vendors in Mumbai are reporting a significant 20% drop in sales this year, leaving a substantial amount of unsold stock stored in their warehouses. Interestingly, despite calls for eco-conscious celebrations, there is a lack of prominent availability of green crackers in retail stores. According to some vendors, the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) has introduced green crackers, yet they remain conspicuously scarce on store shelves. This limited visibility may be attributed to a lack of consumer interest in adopting these environmentally friendly alternatives.
The ongoing disparity between the drop in traditional firecracker sales and the lukewarm adoption of green crackers underscores the need for increased awareness and promotion of eco-friendly options. As Mumbai navigates the challenges posed by Diwali celebrations, the city stands at a crucial juncture to encourage sustainable practices and pave the way for a cleaner and greener festival in the years to come.”
Source: https://www.mumbailive.com/en/society/mumbai-observes-20-downfall-in-firecrackers-sale-during-diwali-2023-81719
Edited: Sakshi Semwal