In a significant development, the Bombay High Court has dismissed the plea put forth by TV actor Sheezan Khan, who is facing charges related to the alleged abetment of the suicide of his co-star Tunisha Sharma. The plea sought the quashing of the FIR filed against Khan in connection with Sharma’s tragic demise.
Tunisha Sharma, aged 21 and known for her role in the TV show “Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul,” was discovered dead in the washroom on the set of a Hindi serial near Vasai, on the outskirts of Mumbai, on December 24 of the previous year. The investigation revealed that Sharma had been in a relationship with Khan, her co-star, and the actor was taken into custody by the Waliv police the following day on charges of abetting her suicide.
The bench, comprising Justices Ajey S Gadkari and Sharmila U Deshmukh, delivered the verdict on Khan’s plea on Friday, affirming the continuation of the legal proceedings. The dismissal of the plea underscores the court’s stance on allowing due process to unfold in the case, acknowledging the serious nature of the charges brought against the actor.
This decision marks a crucial development in the legal proceedings surrounding Tunisha Sharma’s tragic death, emphasizing the judiciary’s commitment to a thorough examination of the matter. As the case advances, it brings to light the complexities of relationships within the entertainment industry and the profound impact they can have on individuals’ lives.
Edited: Sakshi Semwal