Dabur Group Chairman Mohit V. Burman, Director Gaurav V. Burman, and Bollywood actor Sahil Khan among 30 accused in Mumbai Police FIR for Mahadev betting app scam.
In response to the FIR implicating Dabur Group Chairman Mohit V. Burman and Director Gaurav V. Burman, Dabur has promptly issued an official statement vehemently rejecting the allegations. The company asserts that, as of the statement, they have not received any official communication regarding the FIR. The statement goes on to express skepticism about the veracity of the information, characterizing it as a potentially “mischievous act driven by malicious intent” and emphasizing its apparent lack of factual basis.
The company’s statement, as quoted by MoneyControl, underscores the need for accurate and substantiated information before making any claims or accusations. Dabur appears to be positioning itself in a stance of non-involvement, emphasizing the absence of official communication and casting doubt on the legitimacy of the FIR.
The situation introduces an element of uncertainty and raises questions about the credibility of the information surrounding the alleged involvement of the Burman duo in the Mahadev betting app case. As the legal proceedings unfold, the company’s response will likely play a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of the matter.
This incident also highlights the challenges and potential consequences of misinformation in the digital age, where news can spread rapidly, and reputations can be at stake. The company’s assertion of a potential mischievous intent suggests a broader concern about the possible motivations behind such allegations and the impact they may have on the individuals and entities involved.
As the legal and investigative processes continue, clarity on the veracity of the allegations and the involvement of Dabur Group’s leadership in the Mahadev betting app case will likely emerge, providing a clearer picture of the situation.
Edited: Sakshi Semwal